Edition: 2010
Binding: Paperback
ISBN / ASIN: 1601515693

Current Procedural Coding Expert 2012 Compact Version
Turn to the resource that goes beyond basic coding with the Ingenix Current Procedural Coding Expert, your CPT coding resource designed for a coders daily work not the classroom. Medical coding books Current Procedural Coding Expert 2012 Compact Version for free download collection in PDF, EPUB formats. Equipped with the entire CPT code set, this easy-to-navigate resource arranges codes in a design known to speed coding, billing, and the reimbursement process. You will also find clarification on the annual code changes and their implications, plus reimbursement information.
Resequenced CPT code alerts. Identify the AMAs new code resequencing at a glance with our specific instructions, color bars, and brackets. Ebooks download Current Procedural Coding Expert 2012 Compact Version pdf on amazon.BR> Interventional radiology guidance. Access an appendix of illustrations showing interventional radiology vascular families for more accurate radiology coding.
Headings with detailed Ingenix subheadings. Locate CPT codes quickly.
Medically Unlikely Edits (MUEs) appendix. Improve claims accuracy by ensuring CMS compliance through easy-to-access codes and their associated MUE units.
Brand-name vaccinations associated with CPT codes. Aid accurate coding for medications with this helpful reference.
Extensive user-friendly index. Find codes in a flash with the most accurate and expansive index of any CPT coding resource with terms listed in a variety of ways.
PQRI icons and appendix. Link codes and their associated quality measure for reporting to Medicare.
Code-specific definitions, rules, and references. Reference comprehensive information compiled from the AMA, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Ingenix, and other sources to assist with accurate coding and speed reimbursement.
Facility and non-facility RVUs and global/follow-up days. Ensure more accurate reimbursement with attachment to the corresponding code.
Helpful illustrations. Detect anatomical differences in codes with ease.
Medicare coverage rules with icons and Pub. 100 references. Understand which policies apply to CPT codes prior to claim submission with icons and references for each rule, plus a copy of the applicable policy in the appendix.
Pub. 100s and National Coverage Determinations (NCDs). Access new information that affects coding, including better identification of the national coverage manual.
Modifier icons. Apply modifiers correctly with quick icon identification with the CPT code. CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association. Current Procedural Coding Expert 2012 Compact Version free download available via rapidshare, mediafire, 4shared, and hotfile.
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