Edition: Pap/Com/Ps
Binding: Paperback
ISBN / ASIN: 141604566X

Step-by-Step Medical Coding 2009 Edition, 1e
Prepare for a successful career in medical coding with comprehensive coverage from the most trusted source in the field! This easy-to-use resource guides you through each step of the medical coding and reimbursement process, introducing you to Current Procedural Terminology (CPT), providing in-depth explanations of various procedures and how to properly code them. Medical coding books Step-by-Step Medical Coding 2009 Edition, 1e for free download collection in PDF, EPUB formats. Practice exercises reinforce important concepts and allow you to test your comprehension. With complete coverage of the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM), third-party reimbursement, 1995 and 1997 documentation guidelines for evaluation and management services, and Alpha II iCoder exercises, this revised and updated resource is your first step toward complete coding success.In-text exercises throughout each chapter reinforce coding rules and concepts and emphasize the book's step-by-step organization. Concrete "real-life"; coding examples allow you to apply important coding principles and practices to actual scenarios from the field. Ebooks download Step-by-Step Medical Coding 2009 Edition, 1e pdf on amazon.Medical procedure illustrations and discussions help you better understand the services being coded. Three varieties of answer blanks test your understanding of correct coding practices. Full-color presentation makes content visually stimulating. Coding Shots provide tips for complicated coding scenarios and advice for entering the job market. Stop! notes offer a brief summary of material just covered to help ensure retention and understanding and provide a transition into the next topic. Caution! notes warn users of common coding mistakes and reinforce the concept of coding as an exact science. Check This Out! Boxes offer notes on accessing reference information, primarily via the Internet. Quick Check features immediately reinforce key concepts and test your retention and understanding. From the Trenches quotes provide valuable insights from instructors and professionals in the medical coding field. Coders Index makes it easy to instantly locate specific codes. Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting boxes present the official guidelines alongside text discussions and visually indicate inpatient vs. outpatient use. 30-day trial access to Alpha II iCoder introduces you to professional coding software and acts as a supplement to the main text material. Companion CD provides a variety of activities that reinforce material from the text. Updated content reflects the latest coding developments so you can practice with the most current information available.Vibrant new design helps you find what you need quickly and easily. Revised chapter on Third-Party Reimbursement Issues brings you up to date on Quality Improvement Organizations, Inpatient Prospective Payment System, and MS-DRG references. Step-by-Step Medical Coding 2009 Edition, 1e free download available via rapidshare, mediafire, 4shared, and hotfile.
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