Edition: 3rd
Binding: Paperback
ISBN / ASIN: 0721684580

Step-By-Step Medical Coding
This text shows readers how to identify the right codes for the diagnoses or services provided and how to use those codes to obtain reimbursement correctly. Medical coding books Step-By-Step Medical Coding for free download collection in PDF, EPUB formats. It covers Current Procedural Terminology (CPT), HCFA Common Procedure Coding System and Documentation Guidelines for Evaluation & Management Services, ICD-9-CM, Official Coding Guidelines, Ambulatory Patient Groups and Classifications (APGs & APCs), Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs), Resource-Based Relative Value Scale (RBRVS), Medicare, Peer Review Organizations (PROs), HMOs, ICD-10-CM, and ICD-10-PCS. The 4th Edition: A great reference for the bookstore! Encourage stores to stock this title in their reference sections and to feature it on their web sites for customers who would are interested in learning this subject on their own. This complete self-study course on coding combines content, practice, and self-assessment into one online learning tool that students can follow at their own pace. The online program assumes the role of instructor, guiding individuals through the material and directing them when to read relevant sections from the text, checking their comprehension along the way, and providing feedback and encouragement. Ebooks download Step-By-Step Medical Coding pdf on amazon. Step-By-Step Medical Coding free download available via rapidshare, mediafire, 4shared, and hotfile.
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